
Aubrey is ONE!

[August 20]

Our sweet Aubrey - where did the time go?!?! You are such a sweet baby, so chunky, and so funny!!! You LOVE to dance - will even dance to the blender! You have just learned to crawl up the stairs by yourself, and your favourite activity is walking while holding onto our hands, and sticking your finger up noses. haha! You are so cuddley and are such a "momma's girl". You LOVE strawberries, bananas, mangos, and carrots. Your first "intentional" word was, "uh-oh"...which you now will say at every opportunity. You love to play "peak a boo", climb, slides, swings. Now that you are very mobile you never want to sit still...ever...especially in Sacrament meeting! You are old enough to realize when Olivia has taken a toy away from you and you make it known that you don't like it. You take 1.5 hr nap in the morning and 1.5 hr in the afternoon. At night, you will sleep for a good 12 hours. You LOVE your lamb and always sleep with it. You don't use a soother, so I guess that is why you like to suck on the lambs limbs and nose as you sooth yourself to sleep. 2 days before your birthday, you decided that you were such a big girl that you didn't need to nurse anymore. Momma felt relief (with only a tiny bit of sadness!) haha. We love you so much and can't get enough of hugging and squeezing you!!

[We had a birthday party for Aubrey a on August 25]

1 comment:

The Berglinds said...

The party was so fun and a great idea. Aubrey is adorable.