It's been a while!
I'll try to catch up a bit...perhaps back-track, then catch-up...who knows!
Today is Mother's Day. I'm happy to be a mom. I'm grateful for my mom (on earth), for my mother-in-law (in heaven) and all those who have mothered me and my children.
There are times that I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job as a mother and then other times (like this entire weekend...) when I feel like I'm completely failing and have no idea what I'm doing.
What I do know is that I love my girls and am trying my very best.
I hope to be the mother they need me to be.
I hope to be the mother they need me to be.
Today Wes woke up more sick than he was yesterday...too sick for church! (and, anyone who knows Wes knows that he NEVER misses, that means he's really sick!). I told him I couldn't go to church with both children by myself on Mother's day (of all days). I honestly was ready to leave one of the girls home with him. Eventually the girls and I got ready any made it on time. Sacrament meeting started out pretty good...and ended in the hallway, outside, back inside, in a room by ourselves (more than once) and with a mom ready to just go home. We made until primary (phew!).
I was called today to be the Sunday School teacher for the 16 year olds. 2 in my class today. They are good kids. Quite different from being in Primary. I'm looking forward to it.

Aubrey is just cute. Say's "ank-you" as often as opportunity allows (for everything), loves to sing, loves to wake up early, and loves to be "cozy"...loves having a blanket...even if it's a fleece one in the sun on a hot summer day! And she is very concerned with how other people feel. For example, at every meal time she'll go around the table and ask, "nummy mommy?" "nummy daddy?" ...I think she'll start asking Olivia as soon as she can say her name! Also, when she thinks I am hurt or that something happened she'll ask me, "ok mommy?". She gives kisses and hugs frequently and readily to pretty much everyone.

Wes' painting business is going really well. He has just hired a sub-contractor and will be hiring a few more helpers in the very near future.
My NuCerity business is going extremely well...couldn't be more grateful. I am closing my Dayhome this week...Wednesday at 4:30. I'm excited. It's time. It was great while it lasted, but now it's time to move perfect timing for summer and the new baby!
So good to have you back at this. I miss reading about your family. Sorry to hear that Wes has been sick. Hope that he is on the recovery side.
Congrats to both of you for hard work and success. Way to go!
Another baby!!! Yay!!! We have another one on the way too. It's so exciting. Congrats and good luck :)
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