
Sweet Sundays

[Dec 30]

There is something about Sundays. For some reason, I come home from church absolutely exhausted and usually with a headache! ... does this happen to anyone else? haha.

We have a great Bishop in our ward (Bishop Collingridge). He said a few words at the end of Sacrament meeting. Something he said stuck out to me: a few years ago he was speaking with a person who had stopped going to church who explained that their life had become easier and they felt less guilt when compared to when they attended church and lived the gospel. Bishop then shared a scripture:
 Ether 12:27, "And if men come unto me I will show them their weakness". 
This makes sense, and yet something I have never thought of before: the closer we come to the Savior, the more aware we are of our weakness!... How true!! And, the more we realize we need to be better! If we distance ourselves from the Savior, we are not as aware of the ways in which we need to improve. The verse goes on to say, 
"I give men weakness that they may be humble...if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them".  
The Lord shows us our weaknesses because He loves us. Being aware of our weaknesses humbles us, and through Him our weaknesses can turn into strengths. Thus, we will gain a stronger testimony of the Atonement and become more aware of the Love of God. Coming unto Him isn't easy, but as most of us know, taking the easy road doesn't offer much growth. One of my mission presidents use to always say, "Now, let's go out and do hard things". Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not easy, but it does give us peace and protection in our lives. I would be completely lost without it. 

On another note...Olivia is maturing...it has been a handful of consecutive weeks where she has reverently obeyed during Sacrament meeting!! Yahoo!! The light has come... just in time for Sunbeams! Love it!

We enjoyed a nice lunch as a family after church, which was followed by nap time for all. Wes quietly kissed me on the cheek and slipped away to work.

1 comment:

The Berglinds said...

Thanks for posting this. Great insight.