
July 14

I have noticed that ever since Wes has had 7:00 am meetings, we are on time for church! ...knock on wood. I think it's because I'm forced to be more organized...getting everything ready on my own...rather than leaving stuff for Wes to do to help me in the morning. He is quite helpful, but now that he's not home to help, I have to do it and get there on time. So far, the system is working well.

Aubrey lasted for approx 5 min in sacrament meeting. She left with daddy, came back for 1 min, and left again. She just starts screaming. However, I wasn't surprised since both girls were up until 10:00 pm last night...they just did not want to go to sleep! So, Aubrey was really cranky.

I LOVE my sunday school calling. I had two kids in my class ... L.R. and W.B. (usually have these same two ... occasionally a couple more). They are just such great kids! I love the discussions we have the the insight the personality they bring to our class.

Relief Society was amazing.  We spoke about the important role of motherhood, how we are living in such a day where many people have a "what about me" attitude (I am no exception), and people treat motherhood with such apathy. I felt so inspired and uplifted. This life isn't about me, but rather it's about ensuring I am fulling the role I am supposed to. That will take sacrifice, it will take work, and a lot of effort. Yes, there has to be balance, but it's more important that I serve my family and those around me than making sure that I get all of my little needs met.  I am just LOVING being back in Relief society. I have so much to learn and learn so much from the ladies around me.

Church was followed by a quick lunch and a nice nap....seriously love those naps! Wes and I worked together to get dinner ready for the Elders. He made Butterscotch pie...one of his favs. And we takes so much pride in making it...he is even quite particular in the way it is served. It makes me smile and remember his mom. He made an extra one to drop to deliver to some friends who just had baby #4.

Elder Mooney and Elder Sunimafaleaou (sp) are so wonderful. They are obedient, personable, and enjoyable to be around. It's nice that Wes get's to work more closely with the missionaries and we are excited about the missionary work happening here and throughout the world.

1 comment:

The Berglinds said...

Sounds like Sunday is one of your favorite days. Awesome.