Olivia LOVES her soother. She will cry to have it, she can't go to sleep without it, and sometimes she will even cry when she has to "put it on her shelf" when she gets up in the morning. She has had a bad cold for a while now which means her nose has been really stuffy! Tonight at bed time Olivia didn't want her soother. I was surprised. I asked her if she wanted to throw it in the garbage...she said no. I left the room and 2 minutes later Olivia came out of her room and said, "throw in garbage". She threw her soother in the garbage!...because she wanted to!! Today I talked to her about it and reminded her that she threw it in the garbage. Her response: "no suck on it".
hmmm. Who knew it would be so easy!?
So long soother!
We may not be diaper-less in this houshold, but we sure are soother-less! :)
she is such a doll!
Always best when they do it themselves.
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